Billboard Creation 3D Forced Perspective

  • Date: June 2024
  • Client: NMK
  • Project Type: 3D Content Creation

About this Project

Client’s Objective : NMK wanted to create captivating content to project during a trade fair using forced perspective. This video aims to showcase both the LED panels and the NMK brand, which is the distributor of the product. The client desired an effective effect that would reach the widest possible audience.

Technologies: 3D animation and rendering within UnrealEngine 5

Our solution

The end result is 2 minutes 3D rendering of a forced perspective video.  The timing to create this movie was really short so we decide to use Unreal Engine 5 to reach the final result

The result

NMK was very pleased with the results achieved within extremely short deadlines and tight budgets. The impact on the audience was remarkable and garnered significant attention on social media.

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