
with spirits

  • Date: November 2023
  • Client: Astrea
  • Project Type: 360° Video Postproduction

About this Project

Client’s Objective : Poolpio has been commissioned to handle the VFX portion of the project. Our responsibilities will include the crucial task of stitching images together, as well as overseeing the post-production process for 360-degree videos. This mandate reflects our expertise in creating immersive visual experiences and our commitment to delivering high-quality results. We are excited to contribute to the success of this project and look forward to showcasing the final product..

Technologies: 360 Video PostProduction

Our solution

Poolpio utilized industry-leading tools such as Nuke, After Effects, and Photoshop to execute the post-production of 360-degree videos for this project. By leveraging Nuke’s powerful compositing capabilities, After Effects’ advanced motion graphics, and Photoshop’s precision in image editing, we ensured a seamless and immersive visual experience.


Two little sisters prepare for the Day of the Dead in the mystic mountains of Mexico, remembering the stories their shaman granny used to tell.
A portal opens as the Mazatec community celebrates and we enter the interactive universe of their ancestors and the spirits of nature, each keeping a secret world to be unveiled.

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